Yo, yo… I know, it’s been AGES again since I last wrote. Sorry for the silence. My excuse is this whole Blogger migration debacle. Over the last two months, every time I logged in to write a post, I received his alert saying Blogger was no longer supporting FTP, blah, blah. I tried to read the documentation, but long story short, it was a huge headache. So, I procrastinated. All the technical bullshit just put me out of the mood every single time.
Yesterday I finally just decided to do the migration tool thingy and what the fuck ever, I couldn’t figure out the CNAME crap so I just did the default hosting on blogspot. Btw, who the fuck took goodbers.blogspot.com? Now my blogspot URL is goodberz. Ugh. Annoying but whatever, I just set up my subdomain redirect, so hopefully for you the reader, everything is back to normal and you can still find me at www.blogger.goodbers.com. Yeah, a long and drawn-out explanation and really, I’m talking out my ass. The bottom line? I’m back, and you should be thankful. 🙂
Goddamn, we’re at the end of Q1 already. Fucking A. Work is crazy busy as this is the end of our fiscal year. Other than that, the monster news here is that Bubs started his new job last week. This means we’re back in the black. Yeah, I’m coming clean. Here in the SF Bay area where cost of living is frickin’ high, I wasn’t able to fully hack it as breadwinner. My paltry income still required us to dip into the red. Luckily we’re quite the savers, so we sustained fine during the last ten months. But now, we’re back to DINK status.
Honestly, I liked being the breadwinner. I’ll miss it for sure. John was so clearly happier having time to decompress and play. And he really was such an awesome homemaker– I got fresh, packed lunches. He baked, he gardened. He pretty much did everything except for clean, so yeah, life was pretty good. Last week I had all kinds of anxiety thinking about him returning to work. His new place is a startup again, and he’s person #4. Add to that, an hour-long commute four days a week, and well, it has the potential to be disastrous. I never said I was an optimist.
But to his credit, week one went well. He still cooked dinner, went grocery shopping, and on Saturday, he actually cleaned up around the house. So maybe this really is the new Bubs– uber proactive. And certainly, I’ll benefit from being back in the black. I went shopping yesterday; I’m going to the theater next week; I can’t wait to start traveling again. So the point here is that we’ll proceed with caution. What else can I say: we’re rejoining the ranks of mainstream America, with both partners working outside the home.