John and I dropped off the parents at the airport, and then immediately headed over to the Maker Faire. That place was fucking mobbed. Seriously, it took us about 45 min just to get in the front gate. Lines were wrapped all the way around the parking lot. This is what happens I suppose with events with cult-live followings.
John tries to go every year, and this year he convinced me by trying to sell the whole “craft” angle. The good news is that I actually met and spoke with JH, the creator of WoolBuddy!! It was pretty darn cool. I told him my parents were just in town, and mom and I did WoolBuddies. I didn’t show him the pictures, but I’ll leave that up to his imagination. Truth be told, mom’s owl was deformed. It looked more like an owl-parrot hybrid, and dad even went so far as to describe it like a rabbit, so needless to say, that one needed some help.
What else. We found an artist that we really liked, and we actually purchased two of her prints. Of course, leave it to us to pick out a print of the Golden Gate Bridge that features two lesbians. Yes, I thought one of the members of the couple had a strange “guy” haircut, and it wasn’t until we had left the artist’s stall that we both realized the artwork featured a same-sex couple. Not that we are anti-gay, but well, it was supposed to be in our living room representing us in some forced way. 😉 Long story short, I went back to the artist and asked to exchange the piece for another. My explanation was that the colors were too dark for where I wanted to hang it. Issue averted, but man, leave it to us to fuck up the initial selection. See for yourself: Original purchase One and Two. Replacement print. Her work is very fun.
We also purchased these fun lil Japanese paper toys called Piperoids. Basically, they are movable toys created from paper pipes. We made these the other night. Totally crafty and cute.