I’m back in the saddle again… Thank goodness, because the funk was such a goddamn drag!
Guess it helped that I recently celebrated my 2-year anniversary at work… The job is still rocking my socks off. Boss approved a couple of training requests I had for learning new skills AND he just okayed over THREE WEEKS off in November. I swear, dude is the most lax boss I have ever had. It makes all the difference. So yeah, my lengthy vacay in November is gonna be Spanish Immersion Take 2. Given the cheap airfares to Europe, I upgraded from considering opps in South and Central America to researching programs in Spain. Yup, doing it deluxe. I am still in the process of figuring out which school and which city but at least I have the tickets nailed. This will be my first real solo trip (not to mention my first time to Europe), so I’m a little nervous but also super psyched. Of course, special thanks to John, who is always supportive of my goals. He’s happy to dog sit while I go off on my European jaunt. I just hope I make good progress learning Spanish.
Looks like my New Year’s resolutions are mostly on track. I am supposed to finish reading my 3rd book of the year though (Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers), and I’m getting down to the wire here…
Oh man, I am beat. Today John and I went down to Watsonville to participate on a farm day at our CSA’s farm. We hand-sowed lettuce seeds, milked goats, picked tomatoes, made marinara sauce, baked pizzas, etc. We weren’t even that productive given we were there all damn day, but the sun is so f-ing strong that 8 hours felt like forever. Tomorrow is another busy day. Farm tours in Sonoma County. Gotta hit the sack early. When is John’s infatuation with farm life gonna end??