So after dinner last night, I headed to the nearby internet cafe. I ended up catching up on “work.” The eblast application we use has been bugging out lately… not sure what it’s about but it’s really thrown a monkey wrench into things. Anyway, there I was working away, and some dude suddenly ran into the cafe, shut the door, and asked the shopkeeper to lock it. Through the window, I saw another dude coming up and pounding on the door. I don’t know if this was thug activity or what, but the guy was breathing super hard, as if he were running for his life! Then the shopkeeper got on the phone and in a matter of minutes, two cop vans pulled up and tons of people poured into the streets. Across from the cafe, cops interrogated two men… I tried to ask the shopkeeper what happened, but I couldn’t really understand him, so I just asked short questions like, “maybe the guy (being interrogated) was drunk?” They had a “problem?” It was really kinda scary, because I had no idea what was happening.
Plus, the internet cafe was near closing time, so there was only one other guy using the computers– and he was totally engrossed. Anyway, it was a weird experience. When I left for home, the cops were still questioning the guys and canvasing the neighborhood streets. I just scurried home as fast as I could. Didn’t want to hang around and press my luck.
So far, today has turned out to be a real bust. I walked all over town searching for a cafe with wifi. I even went by the McDonald’s. In the end, I crashed at a cafe near the school, nursed a cup of thick hot chocolate, did some more work, and then headed off to meet my new Chinese friend Shu. Just my luck, I totally misunderstood her on the phone yesterday. I thought we were meeting to hang out/eat at a cafe. Nope, when we met at 4p, she had already eaten and she had planned to take me on a tour around town. Meanwhile, I’ve already been here two weeks, and I’ve seen plenty of places… I asked her where to buy good nougat, and she didn’t know so she took me to the Carrefour??! When we got out, it started raining and neither one of us had an umbrella, so she suggested meeting next Friday!!? I have no idea why we couldn’t just go sit in a cafe and talk, but she just didn’t seem interested. So I went home in the rain, and now I’m at the internet cafe again. Totally lame Saturday. I mean, at least I got some studying done earlier, and now I can update my blog, but still…