Another restless night in Spain… since I had to awake before the crack of dawn this morning, I went to bed early to ensure a full night’s rest. No such luck. The street outside my hostal was quiet compared to the cacophony of Saturday night, but I was simply too damn excited to sleep. It’s been 3.5 weeks– seemingly long and yet still kind of short. I should say, I was surprised that my taxi ride was freaking 40 euros for about 20 minutes. That’s the downside of Madrid– no decent mode of transportation to/from the airport, particularly outside the metro/airport bus operating times. I suppose it’s easy money to get the tourists. But just a minor annoyance.
Last night, I skipped dinner and grew so hungry dreaming of all my favorite foods– Thai, Indian, California, Chinese, pizza… I couldn’t decide whether right off the plane in SFO I would grab an In N Out burger or pizza. I gotta give props to all the doner/kebab shops– they provided welcome respite from salty, heavy tapas and bocadillos. I actually had a salad with a dressing other than oil and vinegar!
Hmm, interesting. I’m actually catching a British Airways flight (not Iberia) into London. Yay, that means free pillow, blanket, food, and drink. The Brits are living it up, I tell you. I was so focused on scoring my max legroom seats on the long haul, that I totally skipped over getting good seats on the 3-hr leg to LON. Duh. Oh well. Hopefully, I’ll just crash either way.