Prez Day weekend was busy but good– we dogsat my friends’ rambunctious corgi and then I kinda overdid the exercising with walking, riding, and hot yoga. I started getting mild shin splints and knee sensitivity, so now I’ve cut back to 12k steps/day instead of 13k. Still leading the pack. Hee, hee. 😉
We also finished Entourage finally– goddamn, Sloan has got to be one of the hottest women on earth!! It’s just not right. Aside from that, the series finale was lame. They should have called it quits two seasons prior. Oh well, thank goodness I still have Nashville, with Deacon who’s landing a spot on my Freebie Five.
What else. Oh shit. On Monday, my beloved Remy nearly choked to death. Fucking A. She ate some food too fast and started choking. Holy shit. I was in the kitchen. I put down their food bowls then a minute later, she stumbled, lost her balance, and toppled over on her side. Her eyes went totally dead. I put my fingers in her mouth and started removing all the food, but I could see she couldn’t breathe. I started pressing on her chest, nothing. Tried massaging her throat. Nothing. Then John came over and lifted her up and kinda jostled her a few times. Nothing shot out, but she started breathing again. Fuck, it was so scary, because I knew we wouldn’t have time even to drive her to the vet. Afterwards, she just lay there in the kitchen totally wiped out, and I just started shaking and crying. It was really scary. She turns 15 next month, but shit, I just can’t lose her yet… ever. She’s been with me through EVERYTHING. Ugh.