So I went to my guzheng teacher’s home today, like I do most Thursdays…. As I rode down the alley heading home after my lesson, an old grandpa in his boxers called for me to return. Thinking maybe he needed help or something, I biked back towards the house and asked what was the matter. Can you believe it? This lil’ Yebster asked me where I got my bike. In other words, he thought I stole it from outside their home. I explained that I was there for my guzheng lessons in house number 26. This was indeed my bike, and I had parked it in front of my teacher’s house, not his. Apparently, I wasn’t so convincing. The guy went into his home and summoned a pregnant lady to confirm that my bike did not belong to their family. Sheesh. just my luck. I happen to be one of the world’s biggest goody two-shoes. Hel-lo!! Ah well. Gotta love the grandpa neighborhood watchdog!