So recently, I’ve been battling bouts of depression, allergies, and overall physical discomfort. I went to an allergist on Wednesdy and was not impressed. The nurse was quite personable, but I wasn’t really given much explanation for anything. Got a sample of Flonase, which the doctor said would work better than any oral medication, and a prescription. Then, the nurse was told to set me up for allergy tests. What would these test for? What was involved in the assessment? No answers from the nurses, and the doctor was already busy with another patient. Good thing my copay was only $10.
Later that day, I had lunch with John and his coworkers. As soon as the term “allergy test” came up, they each had some story about how those tests were totally bogus. Oddly enough, they each knew people who swore by acupuncture as a cure for allergies.
I’ve been toying with the idea of trying more holistic methods of treatment. Not just for my allergies, but for my general well being. Detox, acupuncture, massage… they all conjure up pleasant, relaxing images. What the hell. Might as well try it out, right?
The needles aren’t that bad. I definitely can feel the pricks, especially on the ear, but after that quick initial jolt, it is easy going from there. Twenty minutes on the medical bed with the needles in me and an IR lamp warming my legs. I don’t feel anything during that time, but it’s a bit strange seeing the needles sticking up from my nose and chest. I kept my first needles as souvenirs.
Dr. Lin estimated I would probably need six sessions before I’d notice results, but I think my body is responding already. That first afternoon, I felt unusually clear and alert. No sniffles. I want to be a believer. Since I’m leaving town at the end of next week, I’m going to squeeze in as many sessions as I can. Anyway, after the deductible, insurance covers 90%. Not half bad. I know, kinda weird: I’m getting acupuncture done in the US, rather than in China. I’m a weirdo that way. Oh well. I’ll let you know how the treatment goes.